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Skidmore College

Creative thought at work

The Skidmore College Career Development Center empowers students and alumni to explore careers, access experiential opportunities, build lifelong skills, and achieve success. Part advisor and part connector, we're your resource for taking advantage of all that the Skidmore Network has to offer. 

We're here to help you:

  • Explore your path: Get personalized career advising, interview prep, and feedback on résumés and cover letters.
  • Access tools: Explore databases, resources, and tools to understand your skills, find opportunities, and build connections.
  • Build networks: Join Skidmore-exclusive events, industry panels, and recruitment programs.
  • Unlock opportunities: From internship funding to alumni mentorships, we connect you with your next step.


two students in professional suits
Where do I start?
Resource Center
From access to the Skidmore Network to tailored tools and step-by-step guides, our Resource Center is your go-to starting point at any stage of your career journey.

College student and an employer meet at a career fair
Mark your calendar
Events and programs
Explore upcoming events or get ready for one of our signature programs. Visit Handshake for event details and registration.

college student volunteers plant a garden
Your Network
Exclusive opportunities
Experiential learning and civic engagement are integral to your academic and co-curricular experience at Skidmore. The Career Development Center is your gateway to a wealth of opportunities during your time here.